What I’m Working On

  1. I’m a filmmaker and photographer from Timisoara, Romania. I work with corporate and commercial clients, for whom I create or edit video content.
  2. I write a weekly email newsletter, which I love and I send every Sunday.  
  3. I have this website as my home on the internet. 
Cosmin Cimil Video Creator - Photographer - Avatar

Let’s Connect

  1. Via Email. You can send me any type of question or just introduce yourself. It’s a great opportunity to make new friends! I reply to all, so let’s connect. 
  2. Via Instagram (DM). The same rules apply as above. 
  3. In-person. Want to meet for coffee? If you’re passing Timisoara or if you’re nearby, send me an email and we’ll work something out.

About me

I was born in Arad county, Romania. A kid of two hard-working parents, who tried their best to convince me that school is the most important thing in life. I still don’t believe that. 

At the age of 15, I found that photography was a thing. I wasn’t hooked on the spot, but I liked it. The images that made me a photographer were some random, cute pics of some clothespins hanging on a wire. I saw them on Hi5, an older alternative to Facebook. 

I wasn’t inspired by watching a photographic development in a darkroom, sorry. 

Two years after playing with photography as a hobby, I decided to follow its path. That took me to the University of Arts and Design in Timisoara. That year I also enrolled in the Popular School of Arts for another two years.

 Just to make sure I was becoming a real artist

While following these academic endeavors, I took a job as a night-club photographer for two years. I spent my weekends taking pictures of random people, drinking mixed beverages, and hating Sundays due to hangovers. Even if I didn’t foresee great results from the job, it ended up in a project I like

Right after college, I lived on a beach for a month, slept in a tent, and took pictures all day long. That same year I moved back with my mom and I began working in online freelancing. I managed an online stock photography platform and made sure the pictures met a specific quality standard. In my spare time, I took pictures and worked on random projects. I wasn’t sure about my direction in life, so I figured out that will help. Kind of a stoic decision right there.

My passion for filmmaking was born after I moved back to Timisoara at the beginning of 2017. Having a background in photography helped a lot. Many rules apply in both worlds, such as lighting and composition. Yet, photography has it’s magic because of the medium’s limitations. It makes you more present. 

What I’ve found is that I love storytelling. It’s not so much about the medium, as it is about telling good stories and making them public. There’s a fascinating thing in seeing how others react to the stuff you’re creating. The point is to make sure you put your mark on it. Maybe Neil Gaiman said it best:

The moment that you feel, just possibly, you are walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind, and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself… that is the moment, you might be starting to get it right.

I’ll update this page after I live more. 

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